Beast Kingdom DS-130-唐老鴨90周年-唐老鴨生日快樂



Disney’s most famous, hot-tempered star, Donald Duck, is celebrating his 90th anniversary this year. For this huge milestone, Beast Kingdom‘s ‘D-Stage’ diorama series is launching a special Donald Duck 90th Anniversary limited edition collectible for fans to enjoy. Join Donald and his favorite nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, as they prepare a huge birthday gift for him—a birthday on a hot air balloon shaped like a sailor’s hat. Take to the skies with the famous duck family as they dress in Donald‘s classic sailor outfit, along with the balloon, which is adorned with naval admiral stars for decoration. Looking impressive from all angles, the diorama’s highlight is definitely the cream cake Donald enjoys on his majestic 90th birthday.
