Beast Kingdom Toy Story Dynamic 8ction Heroes DAH-015 - 巴斯光年 Buzz Lightyear


皮克斯(Pixar)動畫工作室把童年裡最不可或缺的元素:玩具與卡通將其結合成一部歡笑與淚水交織的經典動畫-玩具總動員(Toy Story),首部上映便成功製造話題並在之後陸續推出系列作品,爾後推出的續作更是讓角色深烙在每一個世代的腦海中,讓1995年至今已歷經24年的「安弟的玩具」依舊迷人又搶手。 記得玩具總動員裡英勇又帶點傻氣的太空騎警-巴斯光年嗎?身為一個高科技的星際巡邏員最大的夢想卻是與親密戰友胡迪成為安弟最喜愛的玩具,如此真誠又忠心的朋友,你也想擁有嗎? 野獸國究極英雄(Dynamic 8ction Heroes)系列以《玩具總動員》為主題,推出「札克之子」巴斯光年高可動人偶。以本系列擬真外型、高水準製作技術,細緻考究官方的特殊造型與設定,精準掌握深埋在基因中的拉丁魂魄,值得一提的是,此作品一次擁有多個內崁可動眼的替換表情零件有邪媚的微笑表情、狂放的開心表情及玩具狀態表情,讓玩家可以擁有不管是帥氣駕駛飛船的太空騎警、待在包裝盒內的安弟好朋友或是帥氣倚靠在飛船外的太空型男,都能滿足你! 現在就可以和巴斯光年一起飛向宇宙、浩瀚無垠!你還在等什麼呢? ‘’To Infinity & Beyond’’, Buzz Lightyear says as he makes his first jump into Andy’s busy room, showing his new friends that he is a real ‘Space Ranger’ sent from Star Command, and of course to Woody’s bemusement he succeeds! Beast Kingdom warmly presents the first in the range of highly realistic Disney characters, continuing the Dynamic 8ction Heroes line of highly detailed figures. The DAH-015: Toy Story Buzz Lightyear action figure is a fully articulable Toy Story re-creation of the honorable and steadfast character. A fan favorite, for over 20 years, Buzz still looks as dashing and committed to protecting his friends as ever. Take flight with a set of detachable wings and replicable flying gesture hands, giving Buzz the confidence, he needs to successfully complete his mission. Need to defeat the evil arch nemesis and on / off farther Zorg? Fear not Space Cadets, the replaceable fists allow Buzz to get deep into the action, and with three replaceable faces, you can enjoy all of his moods from happy to super serious! At 7inches tall and with up 20 point of articulation, even in the toes, the DAH-015 is the perfect size for serious collectors looking recreate, with accuracy some of Toy Story’s amazing moments. So don’t miss your chance on taking Buzz and the DAH Woody home together and have your very own set of ‘Toy Stories’! 依據電影造型設定,忠實還原太空警察「巴斯光年」於經典動畫《玩具總動員》中的造型樣貌 主體高約7吋的可動素體,全身多達20處關節可動,能輕易擺出多種動作和姿勢 替換翅膀展開零件能重現飛行姿勢 內建可動眼球功能,重現豐富表情 #3個不同表情的替換臉部零件,包含如下: 1組微笑表情臉部零件 1組開心表情臉部零件 1組玩具狀態表情臉部零件 #3對替換造型手掌,包含如下: 1雙握拳手 1雙張手 1雙飛行姿勢手 #配件 1對翅膀展開替換零件 1個專屬地台
