Beast Kingdom Toy Story Dynamic 8ction Heroes DAH-016 - 胡迪 Woody



皮克斯(Pixar)動畫工作室把童年裡最不可或缺的元素:玩具與卡通將其結合成一部歡笑與淚水交織的經典動畫-《玩具總動員》(Toy Story),首部上映便成功製造話題並在之後陸續推出系列作品,爾後推出的續作更是讓角色深烙在每一個世代的腦海中,讓1995年至今已歷經24年的「安弟的玩具」依舊迷人又搶手。 美好回憶值得一再回味,野獸國究極英雄(Dynamic 8ction Heroes)系列以《玩具總動員》為主題,推出玩具們最強領袖「牛仔警長」胡迪(Woody)高可動人偶,還原《玩具總動員》系列電影中最熟悉的經典設定,讓陪伴你長大的記憶,放大成為家中最棒的玩具夥伴。以本系列擬真外型、高水準製作技術,細緻呈現動畫中的角色精髓,三種經典表情包一次附上不論是正經臉是嘲笑臉一應俱全,搭配可動眼結構讓特殊表情更加生動有趣! You‘ve got a friend in Beast Kingdom!快來帶走! Sheriff Woody Pride, Andy’s ‘pride’ and joy, is one of the most lovable cowboys this side of a ‘poisoned waterhole’! With a little help from his friends, Woody is always ready to save the day with a cheeky smile, and keep Andy’s loveable gang of toys safe! Beast Kingdom warmly presents the first in the range of highly realistic Disney characters, continuing the Dynamic 8ction Heroes line of highly detailed figures. The DAH-016: Toy Story Woody action figure is a fully articulable Toy Story 3 re-creation of the warm-hearted cowboy. As Andy’s favorite toy, Woody still bears his owners signature on the base of his articulable foot, making this 8inch action figure a real keepsake! Woody is always up to mischief however, so with 20 points of articulation and a replaceable Cowboy hat as well as pointy gunshot hands, he is able to quickly tell his foes to ‘reach for the sky! Speaking of mischief, Woody’s three replaceable faces, including one special version bearing a surprisingly cheeky grin, means collectors can have him ready for any fun day out with the Toy Story gang, including his best friend and ally Buzz! So don’t miss you chance at getting this DAH Woody as well as the Space Ranger Buzz, the dynamic duo out to save all collectors’ days and hearts! 依據電影造型設定,忠實還原西部警長「胡迪」於經典動畫《玩具總動員》中的造型樣貌 主體高約8吋的可動素體,全身多達20處關節可動,能輕易擺出多種動作和姿勢 內建可動眼球功能,重現豐富表情 #3個不同表情的替換臉部零件,包含如下: 1組微笑表情臉部零件 1組開心表情臉部零件 1組玩具狀態表情臉部零件 3對替換造型手掌,包含如下: 1雙握拳手 1雙張手 1雙手槍姿勢手 #配件 1個牛仔帽 1個專屬地台
