Ultraman & Gurihiru Series King Joe (Plating SP) (Mini Egg Attack)


Ultraman & Gurihiru Series King Joe (Plating SP) (Mini Egg Attack) Spanning five and a half decades in Japan the enduring classical series, Ultraman, has been loved by fans ever since its debut in 1966. A series showcasing of this world Kaiju, Ultraman is the ultimate superhero built with pure strength and otherworldly powers! In order to celebrate the 55th anniversary of Ultraman, Beast Kingdom’s Mini Egg Attack (MEA) brand launches the MEA-042 ULTRAMAN SERIES&Gurihiru. The collection brings together the famous Japanese Gurihiru design team, with its unique American inspired designs and the Ultraman brand! Collect the entire series and enjoy a one of a kind collection from the great Ultraman superhero series and the Beast Kingdom’s ‘Entertainment Experience Brand’! This is the MEA-042SP Special Plating Series -- King Joe -- Is a super robot with alloy armor and a protective covering made of special metals. His futuristic computer brain can calculate many attack methods in advance!"
